Studio Ghibli Films

If you haven’t yet discovered studio Ghibli films, well, that is a travesty, and I am here to change that.

Unless you have been living under a rock or are one of those people who refuses to watch anime, chances are you have heard of Spirited Away, My Neighbor Totoro, or Princess Mononoke, the three most iconic Studio Ghibli films. In 2003, Spirited Away won an Academy Award for Best Animated Feature and is often regarded as one of, if not the best, animated films ever made. My Neighbor Totoro and Princess Mononoke, while a bit older, also garnered similar acclaim in their time.

What makes these films so prolific is their beautiful animation, amazing story telling, lovingly written characters, and wondrously imaginative worlds. All lean heavily on Japanese culture and style, but also touch on emotions and themes that are universally human. The magic of the world we so clearly see as children, the importance of friendship, family, and love, and a sense of adventure and risk that pulls us to journey into the unknown. Movies that you could watch with the whole family and can be appreciated at every age.

What has always amazed me about Miyazaki’s films, is how well he blends traditional archetypal characters with fantastical worlds to tell a new and yet timeless story. The viewer is always thrown in with little explanation on how these different magical worlds work, but that doesn’t matter. It is always about the characters and their journey that keeps you immersed in the story and the fact you know almost nothing about this strange and mysterious place only helps to make you feel more like a visitor on an exciting journey.

These stories are transcendent because we don’t need an explanation to understand the characters, their feelings, and their struggles. These stories resonate with us, because these themes are a deep part of our shared human experience. And it is really the characters, who are so relatable in their journey, that we feel connected to. The often naïve but heartwarming optimism of the young protagonists, the wise and loving care older characters show as they help these characters on their journey, and even the villains who are often driven to do horrible things in service to some morally wrong, but understandable goal. 

What makes these films such a joy to watch is how well they capture all the different facets of the human experience. The classic hero’s journey but told in a new, imaginative, and beautiful way. 

It is hard to recommend which movie to start with if I don’t know much about you, but I will say that it is hard to go wrong with Spirited Away, My Neighbor Totoro, or Princess Mononoke as those are the most well known. If you are looking for something with an older protagonist and more of an adventurous story, Mononoke is probably the best for you. Totoro and Spirited Away will delight you in being able to revisit that sense of childhood wonder and adventure.

My personal favorite is Castle in The Sky. The animation is iconic, the characters are lovingly written, and the story is exciting. The world is magical, but familiar. It can make serious observations, while also being delightfully goofy and fun. But what really resonates with me about Castle is the way it subverts your expectations and shows how people can dare to love in the face of danger. That despite how the world might try to make us bitter or untrusting, we all still believe in hope and will risk everything for what we think is right.

Honestly, if you haven’t already seen these movies, you are in for a treat.


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