Hot Fuzz

It is impossible to even begin to do this movie justice. Hot Fuzz is simply brilliant. A clever mix of comedy, action, and thriller that uses every second of screen time to both make you laugh and build a complex and compelling story that will keep you glued to the screen for its 2 hour run time.

I am going to make a point of being as vague as possible about the plot because this is one of those movies you will want to go in with as little prior knowledge as possible.

The writing is next level. There are so many setup and payoff moments in this movie that are so cleverly woven in and it takes a few viewings to really capture how well written the script is. Not a single second of screen time is wasted. Even the jokes you think are one offs become multilayered callbacks. I love British humor and this is perfection. Dry, silly, sarcastic, but witty as fuck. 

Every single character in this story is well written and played to perfection. The main protagonists are endearingly lovable, complex, and have meaningful development that makes them relatable and entertaining. Each of the side characters have their own unique vibe and, while some only have a few moments of screen time, you great an immediate understanding of their personality. Not to mention everything is brilliantly acted. Every single actor in this film does an amazing job with their character in all their quirky glory.

This movie is also a great twist on the classic action comedy, providing an interesting take on the genre while bringing in something completely new. It uses old tropes, but in a way that is both ironic, but also brilliant and humorous. 

What makes this such an amazing movie is that you can just enjoy it without even thinking about how fucking clever it is. It’s just a great action comedy to throw on that anyone can enjoy. But if you look a little deeper, it is clearly a master class in movie writing that plays homage to the action comedy genre while both satarizing and innovating on it.

Whatever you are looking for, Hot Fuzz delivers and is simply my number one recommendation for a great action comedy anyone can enjoy.


Charles Berthoud


The Phoenix Project